Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Soon the results for the January modules will be out but already students are asking about dates for the summer exams. (Hopefully a sign of early preparation or perhaps just hoping to book a cheap holiday.) Either way you can find the dates of all your exams on the QCA interboard searchable timetable. All you need to know is the board and subject, and it is even easier if you know the code for the exam. Logging in is easy, you don't need a password, and you can create your own personalised timetable by simply checking the papers you want. Of course eLoreto will also do this for you but you might want to get a head start.


I have a student who every Friday asks if we are going to watch a DVD. Teenagers laugh when you suggest they listen to Radio 4. But this generation may be the one to benefit from radio. With i-pod, MP3, downloading and podcasts listening is a skill more teenagers have than they realise. Tune in to A History of the World in 100 Objects currently being broadcast on Radio 4: practice your listening skills and get a sense of the breadth and wonder of the study of history.


Black History Month has been commemorated in the UK since 1987 when it was created by the then Greater London Council. The current London mayor, Boris Johnson, is cutting the subsidy for Black History Month by more than £120,000 while giving £100,000 to subsidise a 'US Day'. Should tax payers subsidise history events? Is it important we celebrate a significant group within our society whose contribution has frequently been overlooked or ignored? History students at Loreto do an AS in American history, do you support a US Day or should a wealthy country like the US pay for its own celebration?